Math IA is a very, very important part of the curriculum. It weighs 20% which means that with a good IA you have 20% of your final grade already in your pocket independent of whether you’ll have a good or a bad day on your final exams. It can raise your final grade by 1 or it can even be the drop that is going to make you pass the exam. So take it seriously and start as soon as you can with it, use the summer to work on it, and don’t wait for the busy autumn with 1000 other deadlines to start collecting your data.

In the Math IA Club you will focus on

  • wording your research question
  • whether your personal motivation is genuine and strong enough
  • your hypothesis, i.e. what conclusion you expect to reach in the end
  • relevant mathematical processes for your investigation
  • finding the necessary formulae
  • the coherent structure
  • mathematical language, e.g. what is meant by relevant and what by valid
  • some mathematical calculations
  • writing the introduction…

Ideally you should have a topic before you join the course. And if relevant, you should have collected the data already. Some useful websites for data collection:

Usual Duration: 2 days with 3 to 5 hours per day

Take advantage of the group energy to get into that writing flow and register for the Math IA Club.

Contact us if you have more questions.
If you need more support with writing or the workshop dates don’t suit you, book a one-on-one class any time.
